Okay, I'll probably be sewing all day today, or at least as long as my brain can take it. I'm ahead of my class a little because there was a problem with my paper blouse. The teacher had to take some time to figure it out on her own before she could help me.
This means that in order to stay occupied I had to move to the next step, at least on my pants. Which, was cutting out the fabric. So, while everyone else is cutting out fabric at home, I'm sewing pants at home.
Well, I'm so proud to announce that I have sewn in a zipper!
It's a little wonky at the top, but I do not care and I dare that teacher to ask me to re sew it. I think this zipper look pretty good for a first one (I may have done a zipper before but I can't remember). Especially since there are sooooo many patterns out there with no zippers or buttons at all. The only reason I'm putting up with this is because it's a class assignment. Shoot, give me a C grade on zipper install for all I care. I'm proud of my zipper.
And do you see all those little shreds coming off of my fabric. Should I have like "surged" over the edges of the piecies to keep that from happening? The teacher told me I could have done it before treating the fabric in order to avoid it, but she didn't tell me anything about the cut out pieces. Oh well, better keep moving before those shreds multiply and my seam allowance is all off.